Belief 1: God

God is our Father in Heaven, who created us in His own image; like Him we are divine in our nature and purpose.

Belief 2: Purpose of Life

In all, our purpose in life is to do everything to the Glory of God (1 Corinthians 10:31). In other words, our purpose is to praise God, worship Him, to proclaim His greatness, and to accomplish His will.

Belief 3: Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ is our Savior and Redeemer and the Only Begotten Son of God the Father.

Success Skills

Articles on creative visualization and the law of attraction and how to use them to improve your life. The law of attraction and creative visualization use your thoughts, visualization, and other mental techniques, to attract to you the circumstances, people and the things that you want.
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Inner Powers

Articles on willpower and self discipline, with down to earth advice and guidance to help you acquire inner strength and decisiveness, and develop determination, resolution, and persistence.Do you sometimes, feel that you lack the inner strength to take action, act assertively or be persistent?
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Positive Life

What is self improvement? It is an inner process, aiming for a better, happier life. It is a process of inner change, adopting a positive mindset, getting rid of negative habits, and building new, positive ones. Nowadays, there is a growing interest in self growth and self help techniques.

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Deuteronomy 28 V 1 - 14: The I AM Blessed Affirmation by Dr. Cindy Trimm

Watch this quick video and start to Declare and Decree
Deuteronomy 28 daily blessing in your life now.

Train Your Brain To Make More Money

Always stay positive and never give up in life and on your goals!Invest, earn and be successful.

WHO AM I by Rebidahosa

I started acting upon the knowing that who I am is divinity; that I bear the image, the likeness and the character of God. I am love, I am peace, I am abundance.

Who you surround yourself with REALLY matters by Aaron Burke

Are the people and voices in your life bringing you closer to your God-given destiny or pulling you away?


In-FLU-ence, with the word FLU - something you catch, not learn. Be cautious about who you let have flu over you.

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